Students of the Week

Picture of the Kindergarten Student of the Week

Kaevic Uecker is in Mrs. Butt's class. He is kind, helpful, and always has a bright attitude. Kaevick comes to school with an excitement and love for learning! His positive energy lights up our school, and we are so lucky to have him as part of our Rock Creek Raptor family.

- Kindergarten

Picture of First Grade Student of the Week

Owen Nuzau is a superstar student in Mrs. Essex’s 1st grade class. Owen is always helping out his peers and leading the Raptor Way. He is an amazing artist and loves math.

- First Grade

Picture of Second Grade Student of the Week

Yazn Ahmad is in Mrs. McCollum's class. Yazn always has a positive attitude in class. He is willing to help classmates when they need a helping hand. He is kind to everyone around him, he is patient with others, and he works hard as a learner. Way to go Yazn!

- Second Grade

Picture of Third Grade Student of the Week

Joshua Nielson is in Mrs. Belliston's class and his classmates said he is: kind, funny, helpful, follows the raptor way, smart, positive, responsible, mature. an artist, and respectful. We are very lucky to have such a strong leader in 3rd grade! Way to go Joshua!

- Third Grade

Picture of Fourth Grade Student of the Week

William Johnson in Mrs. Corn's class. Liam has a very kind heart, and works very hard in class. His peers said he deserves this honor because he does his work, reminds others to follow the Raptor Way, and listens well to both his teacher and his classmates. Great job!

- Fourth Grade

Picture of Fifth Grade Student of the Week

Laney Detweiler is in Mrs. O'Connor's class. She is the sweetest and works incredibly hard. Laney works with anyone in class with enthusiasm, always making sure everyone feels included. She consistently puts in her best effort and challenges herself to grow. Great Work!

- Fifth Grade

Picture of Playground Student of the Week

Cash Cunningham is in first grade. He is such a kind little boy that everyone loves and every kid wants to play with. He is super kind, respectful, and gives his best.

- Playground

Picture of Student from Miss Lisa's Class

Ryder Harker attends Miss Lisa's class. He enjoys going to P.E. and music class. He loves building with Legos. He also likes using the iPad, especially the camera.

- Miss Lisa's Class